Covid-19 Info & Stats Just another WordPress site Thu, 09 Apr 2020 17:21:42 +0000 en-US hourly 1 175589628 Thu, 09 Apr 2020 17:21:23 +0000

Symptoms & Prevention of Covid-19

Covid-19 also known as coronavirus disease is a worldwide disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). First reported in Wuhan, China, around November 2019. As of April 9, 2020 there have been 1.48 million cases of COVID-19 have been reported in 209 countries and territories, resulting in approximately 88,500 deaths.

The virus is mainly spread during close contact of people and have a number of symptoms. Most notably, people with other underlying health conditions, young children, and the elderly are most at risk. Although, anyone can become infected by and suffer from a number of symptoms due to Covid-19.

These symptoms consist of headaches, fevers above 98.9 Fahrenheit, shortness of breath, cough, running nose, sore throat, chills, vomiting, and in some instances diarrhea.

Although there is currently no cure or treatment for Coronavirus. Preventative measures include, washing hands often for at least 20 seconds, covering one’s face when coughing or sneezing, sanitizing often, and maintainging a safe distance from other people.

Many countries and local governments have enacted guidelines and recommendations to further prevent the spread of Covid-19. Some of these include: self-isolation, travel restrictions, stay at-home orders, and some going so far as enacting a curfew past certain times.

While some people may experience mild symptoms,others may not notice any at all. Unfortunately, alack of symptoms does not mean you have not been infected. This is why maintaining proper cleaning and sanitizing techniques, while following the guidelines put in place by your country or local government is key to further prevent the spread of coronavirus.

This is a worldwide pandemic already affecting millions of people resulting in thousands of deaths. This is why it is imperative to stay up-to-date and informed on new and breaking news regarding

We have included preventative tips to help prevent from becoming infected, symptoms you may be experiencing if you have already been infected, as well as up to date statistics regarding the Coronavirus pandemic.
